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Theme #

The website is generated by Hugo and the theme is Congo. Most of the configuration files can be found under config/_default.

Congo provides thorough documentation in its own website: Documentation · Congo.

Congo Documentation

Issues #

Issues are fetched and exported to Markdown files via scripts/main.ts.

There are flags in scripts/config.toml that can be customized:

  • state - by default, only closed issues will be published.
  • excludedLabels - if do-not-publish label is added to the issue, it won’t be published.

Actions #

issues-blog leverages GitHub Actions to automate the workflow of fetching issues contents and building the website.

By default, there are two ways to trigger the workflow:

  1. Manually triggering under the Actions tab.
  2. Closing an issue.

GitHub supports different Events that trigger workflows. To configure which events can trigger a workflow, go to .github/workflows/build.yml and add the events there.

For example, you can run a workflow when the push event occurs.
